About Us

About Us

Jordan Memories is an ongoing collaborative effort which has benefitted from the participation and contributions of a number of individuals.

Most notably, this extensive online digital archive would not have been possible without the efforts of the following individuals:

  • The late Jack Horner, former Historian for the Village of Jordan and the Town of Elbridge, and Janette Richardson, former Clerk in the Historian's Office, who have both assisted in selecting and sharing original images for this project, as well as made themselves available for consultations regarding historical details associated with some of the images.
  • William Hecht of Union Springs, New York, who has contributed generously of both his time and expertise to scan and professionally retouch a large percentage of the digital images featured on this website.
  • Long-time Jordan resident John Nevin, Sr., who continues to generously and eagerly share his extensive knowledge of Jordan history, along with his many historically-relevant, heart-warming, and oftentimes amusing, stories.
  • Lynn Fall, website manager, who initially conceptualized and created the Jordan Memories website in order to showcase these early images and historical documents, with the desire to share with a wide audience the fond memories and deep appreciation for Jordan's history which she acquired while growing up in the village of Jordan.

Current and former residents of Jordan, visitors, local history enthusiasts, genealogy researchers, and anyone else interested in the history of this area are invited to join us as we uncover and re-discover the long-buried and forgotten, yet fascinating stories about the former residents of this community—especially some of Jordan's earliest residents—all of whom made Jordan what it is today.

Building a deeper understanding of, and familiarity with, the significant history and rich heritage of this unique Erie Canal village will enable people to better appreciate and preserve this history.  Current residents of Jordan and the surrounding area can feel a strong and well-deserved sense of pride in their community.

Jordan "Then and Now"

  • In-person visitors to the region can utilize the Browse Map feature (on a smart phone) to enjoy a self-guided walking tour of the village, and to easily familiarize themselves with the local history and appreciate the well-preserved nineteenth-century architecture.
  • Website visitors—from anywhere in the world—can enjoy a similar "then and now" comparison by simultaneously harnessing both the Browse Map and the Google Maps Street View features.  (Just click on the "View on Google Maps" link.)

Contribute to Jordan Memories

Contributions from visitors to this website are welcomed.  If you have any Jordan-related photographs, historic documents, newspaper clippings, interesting stories, or any other items which you would like to share on this website, please send a message describing your item(s) via the Contact Us webpage.

Also, please share your own "Jordan memories" by contributing your comments related to any of the items which have already been uploaded into this digital collection.  (A place to add comments is featured at the bottom of the webpage for each item.)

Our hope is to grow and enhance this digital collection over time, with contributions from multiple sources, and to preserve these historic images, stories, and narratives for people to enjoy—both in the present, and into the future.