Underground Railroad mural, upstairs room, 16 Mechanic Street



Underground Railroad mural, upstairs room, 16 Mechanic Street


NOTE: This painted mural by an unknown artist was discovered on the wall of an upstairs room at this house on the southwest corner of Mechanic Street and Chappell Street. In 1860, the house was owned by George Washington Wright, an abolitionist who also owned a farmhouse north of the village of Jordan on the west side of River Road, which was a stop on the Underground Railroad. The back yard of the farm property provided access to the Seneca River.

Website visitor comments about this item:

Anna Carlson

Onondaga County tax rolls have this house listed as being built in 1889. https://ocfintax.ongov.net/Imate/propdetail.aspx?swis=312803&printkey=00600000100070000000

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