Dr. Tanner house, 10 Hill Street (1963, built 1850)



Dr. Tanner house, 10 Hill Street (1963, built 1850)

Website visitor comments about this item:

George "JOE" Case

Around 1955-1959 I worked for Henry Burke and his wife when they lived in this house. I mowed the grass weekly and daily during the winter I took out the ashes and brought up coal from their basement for their pot belly stoves.  My pay was one dollar per week plus he taught me how to operate a converted Singer sewing machine that was a jigsaw.  I spent many afternoons making knickknack shelves on the "jigsaw".  At the top of stairs in the hallway hung a large drawing of the original Dr.Tanners' property.  It showed how behind the house, the steep hill was terraced off to grow grapes and it went all the way down to Lawrence before any houses were built.  Henry showed me the cisterns in the cellar that hid slaves during the underground railroad.  He talked about the "Hamilton Street gang and the Main street gang" and life in town during the days of the Erie Canal.

Ronald Young

I grew up on Bay Road in Jordan, from 1953 to 1976. The home that I grew up in had been moved 2 times, the first time to make way for the West Shore Railroad, the second time it moved to make way for the NYS Thruway. In the cellar of my home was an old wooden door with 2 Black people painted on the door and was painted by someone who was an artist. On that door was probably 50 names or more and dates of Births or deaths or times of travel, of slaves travelling on the underground railroad in Jordan. I never had any idea what the names and dates on the door ment until later in life and I am not sure if the door still exists.

Ron Young

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